The plastic that is currently used is classified into seven types and each type is determined with number 1-7 in the triangle arrow. For example, the plastic bottle for drinking water, the symbol will be at the bottom of the bottle.
Plastic waste
Used plastic is always left as plastic waste. Some of them are reused in different ways whereas some are disposed by different methods. Landfills is one of the convenient method, however, it affects the environment as plastic is difficult to degenerate. Thus, they are piled up in the soil and the amount is increasing everyday because of the increasing use of plastic. Burning plastic waste cause pollution and hazard.
Degradable plastic, according to Royal Institute Dictionary, refers to “break, collasp, destroy, melt”. It means the change of packaging from good condition to the inferior quality, not only to disappear from the environment. To understand the form and the end of degradation, each type of plastic is explained based on the development.